And They’re a Stunner.
Landlords Hackman Capital Partners have been transforming the Columbus Warehouse District, turning the vintage warehouses into modern commercial spaces. All while paying tribute to the authentic features of the buildings’ original architecture.
The five-story building at 226 N. Fifth Street is a case in point. The building was constructed in 1918 for the Central Ohio Paper Company. A fact you won’t miss when you walk into the recently completed lobby. One entire wall is devoted to a re-creation of the vintage paper mill company’s iconic logo.
Other nods to history are brought to light (literally) on the opposite wall, where historic photos of downtown Columbus line “back-lit” insets. Look down, and you’ll see meticulously hand-painted floors that replicate the building’s original mosaic tile.
Trot up a few steps and you’ll continue the journey into another era, with rich dark blue walls that perfectly set off restored brass elevator doors and vintage-chic lighting.
Of course, available suites have also been renovated. Spaces feature exposed brick walls, tall ceilings, large windows with spectacular views of downtown Columbus, updated lighting and flooring, plus modern new bathrooms and kitchens—all with a respectfully historic feel.